Arduino challenge.... SOLVED
This page started life as an "invitation to bid". Since then, my need for what I would have paid for has gone away.
I have spent too many hours re-inventing wheels. Just this once, I would have liked to avail myself of someone else's expertise.
I would have paid if you had put together a package for me that illustrates some basics of using an Arduino or clone across a LAN. In the end, I did it myself... with help, of course, from many postings on the internet. My Arduino now connects to PCs on my LAN... and can be accessed across the internet, as well.
I can now offer you several fully worked up apps, with (most of) the sourcecode, allowing the following.
The only sourcecode which isn't available is the sourcecode for an advanced PC (Windows) client for the ArduSimpSrv... but the ideas on which it is built are all set out clearly. Reinvent that if you must. Copies of the compiled client app are available for free.
A "naming of parts" detail: When I say "ArduCino" in what follows, I mean "Arduino or clone". The apps work on Arduino clones, not somehow be tied by considerations of the physical connectors, etc, to the "official" Arduino. If it will translate to the ModernDevices / Wulfden RBBB, that's sufficient "portability" to win the contract. Some of the solutions are W5100 based, others use the ENC28J60.
If you want what is described here, you should go to my site.
The app I created has an Arduino "sitting" on an ordinary Ethernet LAN, at a fixed IP address. It has the device's IP address set to something like The IP address can be changed by connecting the Arduino to a host PC over the usual serial link, i.e. the one used for programming the Arduino. The IP address is hard coded into the sketch taking care of everything else. No use is make of DCHP services, to keep the system to be as simple as possible.
The Arduino is a server. Inputs and outputs of the Arduino can be read (the inputs) or set/ cleared (the outputs) from a client, connected across the LAN or internet.
It is possible for a Windows PC (sorry) on the LAN to run a small app, written in Delphi 7 to have this ablility to converse with the Arduino.
The ArduCino-to-LAN hardware is available from established sources, and not too fancy or expensive.
The software in the ArduCino either does not use external libraries, or uses libraries which are not hard to find. (Only the ENC28J60 solution uses a 3rd party library.)
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