South America: Main account, part 6: In and Around Cusco, Peru

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The fortress of Saqsaywaman- above Cusco.

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The stones here are much bigger than those we saw in most places.

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You've heard the one about owners looking like their dogs?

Joking aside... there are TWO basic types of shepherd. One (e.g. Border Collie) is trained by appealing to (and controlling!) the hunter in the shepherd. There IS also another approach, in which the shepherd is raised with the flock, and thinks of itself as one of the flock. This "llama" just happens to have sharp teeth!

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When I saw this herd coming down the road, I thought my old thought: "God would never have invented goats (and llamas) if they weren't for small boys to herd". A moment later, the reason for the herd's movement became visble behind them. I almost got a candid shot (note attire from waist down), but an adult threw the kid the hat and cape to "improve" the picture.

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.... and then we took a fantastic train journey... 3 hours... to the modern village of Macchu Picchu, below the site of the Inca town.

(That's all in this file) Go back to previous
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